Friday, December 26, 2008

Ruth (Part 4)

Ruth 4.

The close relative at first was going to redeem the land,but when he found it would involve marrying Ruth as well, he was no longer interested.His reason was that it would ruin his inheritance.However,I don't believe that's the real reason.The bottom line is he didn't love Ruth.If he did,then he wouldn't have cared about his inheritance being ruined.Boaz was meant to marry Ruth all along and God worked everything out for that to happen.They had God's blessing and the blessing of their family and friends.As a result they had a beautiful marriage and were blessed with a son,who became King David's grandfather and part of the lineage of Christ.
Only God knows how your marriage will fall into a bigger picture.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Ruth(Part 3)

Ruth 3

The time had come for Boaz to decide whether to marry Ruth or not.Yet,we see Boaz's integrity when he admits there is a man that is more entitled to her by their custom than he is.Even though he was in love with her,he was willing to give her up in order to do the right thing.We see too that Ruth didn't "shop around" or "check out the menu".She remained true to Boaz,which showed Boaz and others that she was a virtuous woman and would be loyal to him,if God worked it out for them to marry.When you have the reputation of 'shopping around" or checking out the menu",how can the person you finally get serious about trust that you will be loyal and not start "shopping around" or "checking out the menu" again? It's best for all involved not to have the reputation to begin with.
His love and care for Ruth are seen again in that he didn't send her away in the night,and when he did send her away,it was early enough when people wouldn't make the wrong assumptions,and he sent food for her and her mother-in-law.
Boaz didn't leave Ruth hanging.I'm sure he was apprehensive and fearful about losing her,but Ruth deserved to know who she would spend the rest of her life with.If it wasn't with him,then he had no right to hold onto her.One thing you have to remember,when you are dating someone,is that you may not be dating your future spouse.That may be another man's wife or woman's husband.That's why certain things are meant to be done after marriage.If God truly means for you to be together then it will happen,even if doing the right thing makes it seem unlikely.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Ruth(Part 2)

Ruth 2

Ruth had learned about Boaz,an unmarried man and relative of her first husband.She set her sights on him and decided to glean in his fields to see if he would notice her.It is not wrong for women to place themselves within the sights of the man she has her eye on,but he should be the initiator in the relationship.Boaz did notice her,but it wasn't just her outward appearance he took notice of,but it was her godly,loving heart.Many people just look at outward appearance,and that's not necessarily wrong,but when it is the only thing you care about that's where the problem lies.You could go out with the most beautiful woman/handsome man you ever saw,but that person may have the ugliest heart.Who that person is,is what you're getting and will have to live with,while dating,and if the decision is made to marry,till death parts you.
Being single has it's purposes.It gives God time to mature,mold and make you into the godly man/woman He wants you to be for your future wife/husband.Also,it is an excellent time to focus on falling madly in love with God and serving Him.Once God brings that wife/husband into your life,you won't have as much time,as you once did,to work on your relationship with God and serving Him.Yet,you should work on these things together,even while dating.Notice Ruth was doing when Boaz took notice of her.
Though we also need to take a look at Boaz.Here was a man that with his first encounter with Ruth showed his interest,love,and care for her.He didn't want her to glean in another field,told his young men not to touch her,purposely leave wheat for and not to rebuke her for gathering among the sheaves,told her to drink water from what the men had drawn whenever she was thirsty,and at mealtime he invited her to eat with him and the reapers.There were other women who gleaned in his fields,but it was Ruth he was serious about from the start and singled out.He didn't single out other women,including Ruth,in order to "shop around" or "check out the menu".So many guys will date different girls at the same time or talk for hours with several girls,making the young lady think it is only a matter of time before he moves the relationship on from a friendship to a romance.When things do an about face and the correspondence becomes less and less,she feels confused,disheartened and hurt.The way Boaz handled things,by singling Ruth out and only being serious about her,showed he cared about her feelings.
Then to top it all off ,Ruth had Naomi's approval and encouragement.if you don't have your family's approval and blessing,it may indicate this isn't the man/woman God has for you.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Ruth (Part1)

This is the start of a four part series from my study on the book of Ruth.

Ruth 1

Ruth realized that when you marry a man,you also marry his family.Though Mahlon,her first husband,is dead,and therefore,she is free from his family,esp.since Naomi is too old to remarry and try to bear more sons to marry her daughters-in-law.Yet,Ruth makes the choice not to be free from Mahlon's family.I personally think God made an impact on her life,while she was married to Mahlon.Quite possibly she had already rejected the Moabite gods.The person you marry should impact your life in a positive way.Instead of pulling you away from God,he/she should be pulling you towards God.Of course we have the free-will to resist the pull,and I personally believe that is what Orpah did.Notice at first Orpah didn't want to leave Naomi,but when Naomi stated the facts that she would likely remain a widow,she made the choice to resist the pull.Ruth,however,didn't care that the future didn't look promising.She couldn't resist the pull toward God.We must be married to God before we become married to someone else.So many marriages are on the rocks or have fallen apart because one or both weren't married to God.If you're not married to the Author of Love first of all and have Him at the center of your life and marriage,how do you expect to love your spouse with a true love?Love comes from God and we see this godly love in Ruth when she refuses to leave Naomi no matter what.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

A Lazarus Experience

John 11:1-45

There are times in life when we have a Lazarus experience.Situations come into our lives that don't look like they're going to turn out okay.We run and tell Jesus,like we should,but instead of Him coming right away to take care of the problem,He waits until it seems like it is too late.God always handles our situations in the way that will bring Him glory and be best for all involved.
The disciples didn't understand this.They thought Jesus stayed away in order to protect Himself from the Jews.However,the Jews couldn't touch Jesus until it was His time and He let them.
Martha and Mary didn't understand this either.They felt like God had forsaken them by coming,after their brother was already dead.Indeed this looked like the end until the resurrection at the last day.However,they didn't really grasp who Jesus is,that He is the resurrection.
Many times we're like the disciples,Martha and Mary.We claim to be God's followers,but then when our circumstances seem to have died-beyond hope,at least in this life-,we feel like God has forsaken us and we don't see Him for who He is.Some people,sadly,have quit believing in God when this happens.They disbelieve right when they need to believe the most,and as a result,miss out on seeing the glory of God.Just think if Martha had gone on disbelieving,Lazarus might still be in the ground.But because she had the faith to let them roll the stone away,God was able to restore life to Lazarus.
So many times we bury and roll the stone over the grave of our Lazarus experiences,when we have lost all hope and esp.disbelieve.God doesn't want our Lazarus experiences to be buried.Instead He wants to bring life to them.However,we have to keep believing in God and holding on to the hope found in Him,even if our Lazarus is dead.God will restore life to every Lazarus in our life in His perfect timing and way.

"Be strong and of good courage,do not fear nor be afraid of them;for the LORD your God,He is the One who goes with you.He will not leave you nor forsake you."Deuteronomy 31:6
"And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God,to those who are the called according to His purpose."Romans 8:28

Monday, November 10, 2008

Remember and Repent

2 Peter 3:1-18

Peter ends his second epistle with an exhortation to remember.So many times we as a people forget,whether by accident or on purpose.I've often wondered at times how we as a nation have wandered so far away from God.Can't we remember all the good God has done for us? What did He do to fail us and cause us to treat Him like He and His followers are the enemy?God loves us.All that I can think of that has come from Him has been good.So why are so many people against Him?
Peter gives the answer to these questions in verses 3-6.We are so carried away with our lusts-what we want that is wrong-that we willfully forget about God,His Word,goodness,and past judgments and punishments on sin.To remember Him and these things will convict us,make us realize we need to repent and change our ways.Most people don't want to feel conviction.Another thing they don't want-I think as much as they don't want conviction-is having to truly repent-not just saying they are sorry,but allowing God to change them and their ways.
Though the question I wonder about is,Is it worth it to forget? In this passage,Peter gives a description of the judgment and punshment that is to come for the ungodly and the earth.Other places in Scripture also describe this judgment and punishment.It's going to be worse than anything you or I ever experienced on earth.Though I think the worse part will be separated from God for all eternity.No more chances to remember and repent.God loves all of us so much that He doesn't want to see that happen.That's why he is being so longsuffering toward us.He wants all of us to come to repentance.However,it is our choice.All that He could do He has done.It is up to us to remember and repent.
Though it is not just the sinner and backslider that needs to do some remembering,but also we as Christians.God may not convict us and show us that we need to repent too,but by remembering we are able to be stedfast and not led away with the error of the wicked.

"Remember now your Creator in the days of your youth,before the difficult days come,and the years draw near when you say,"I have no pleasure in them."
"Then the dust will return to the earth as it was,and the spirit will return to God who gave it."
Ecclesiastes 12:1,7