Thursday, January 29, 2009

A Personal Note

There won't be any weekly devotional this week.My grandma passed away yesterday morning and I haven't had time to get one put together.Though I don't think I'll be able to think to put one together even if I had the time.I'll get a devotional up as soon as I can next week.Thank you for your understanding.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

What Seems To Be May Not Be.


At times in life we will encounter some pretty amazing people.They'll do and/or say some pretty amazing things,not to draw us toward God,but away from Him.Sometimes these people are really subtle,claiming that what they said or did came from God when really it didn't.It's possible they are deceived themselves.However,alot of them realize that if they aren't deceptive,then people won't follow them and/or their gods.
God brings people like that to our attention for a couple of reasons.1.To test us.God wants to see that we truly love Him with all of our heart and soul and will be obedient to Him.2.To take a stand.God did not want His children to sit back and not do anything.He knew if these enticers and deceivers were allowed to continue,some would be enticed and drawn away.That would make all of Israel corrupt.They were instructed to kill the corrupt people in their midst,who were deceiving and enticing.Today we are not to kill them or anyone for that matter.God will deal with them.(Jude 14-19) However,we still are not suppose to sit back and not do anything.First,we need to at least try to get these people to see the truth and come to their senses.Yet,without disputing.(2 Tim.2:23-26,2 Thess.3:14-15) However,if they won't see or accept the truth,then we mustn't keep company with them,in order to keep ourselves from being pulled away or joining in their deception.(2 John 10-11)
Sadly,many churches have not followed scripture in doing this.As a result,many churches are being deceived,drawn away from God,and losing their holiness.That is why it is so important as Christians we study the Bible for ourselves,asking God what He is saying in it.
There are so many people in this world teaching and preaching so many doctrines and religions,claiming what they believe,say and do comes from God.These people can be very convincing,causing us to forget that what seems to be may not be.Eternity is too long for us to be wrong.We must be sure today that we follow God's way and what He say.

"Beloved,do not believe every spirit,but test the spirits,whether they are of God;because many false prophets have gone out into the world." 1 John 4:11
"Beware of false prophets,who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.You will know them by their fruit." Matt. 7:15-16a

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Would He Know Of Your Love?

John 21:15-19

After Jesus'death on the cross,all of the disciples felt great sadness and loss,but I think Peter felt it most.He had promised Jesus He wouldn't deny Him and would even die with Him.Peter had failed miserably on both counts and then Jesus was crucified before he could even try to make things right.However,the disciples didn't seem to grasp that this wasn't the end until they saw Jesus risen from the dead.In this passage,Jesus is restoring Peter and giving him a second chance to not just say that he loved Him,but to show Him.Notice after each time Peter confirms his love for Jesus,Jesus gives him a command.
A couple years ago my grandma had a massive stroke and it looked like she would die.I prayed as hard as I could that God would breathe the life back into her and reverse the brain damage.All I could think of was how I was in such a hurry to leave after my last visit,that I didn't tell her I love her and give her a hug or kiss.God performed a miracle by breathing the life back into her and reversing the damage.It was truly amazing and I made a point,that before I leave from visiting her,I would tell her I love her and either hug and/or kiss her.Shortly before this past Thanksgiving Grandma had another massive stroke,which did great damage and she is now dying in a nursing home,unless God performs another huge miracle.Last Saturday we went to see her.Her mind and speech are terrible.There wasn't much she said that we could understand and I don't think there was much she understood of what we said.Several times I told her I loved her and kissed her forehead.After one of those times,she said as plain as day,"I know you do."
When a loved one is dying,how desperate we are to make sure they know we love them.How much more should we be striving to make sure that God knows of our love.If you were to die today or if the rapture would happen,would He know of your love?I'm not talking about just telling God we love Him,but also showing Him.It is so easy to say,"I love You",to God,and even people,but so much harder to show it.Love requires action.Often times we're like Peter was,promising God we'll remain true to Him and even follow Him to death,but then we fail.God is merciful,willing to restore us,and give us chances until we get it right.However,when we fail,we need to go to Him for restoration and another chance,not be like Judas Iscariot,who killed himself after failing (Matt 27:3-5).No one is a failure unless they stay down after failing.
Though life on this earth will not last forever.When we reach the end,will He know of our love or will we be cast off like Judas?Even chances will have to come to an end.It is so important that we make it a point that He knows of our love by telling and showing Him each and every day.That way when we reach the end and say to Him,"I love You",He'll reply,"I know you do."

"If you love Me,keep My commandments." John 14:15
"Jesus said to him," 'You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart,with all your soul and with all your mind.'This is the first and great commandment.And the second is like it.'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.'On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets." Matt.22:37-40

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Count The Cost

Luke 14:26-35

Alot of people have come to Christ without counting the cost first.They start out well,but it is only a matter of time before they walk away from God.God never promised us that the Christian walk would be an easy walk or that He wouldn't ask us to do difficult things.A Christian must not love anything on this earth,including themself,more than Christ.The time may come when God will ask a Christian to walk away from someone or something,or lay down their life.If we,as Christians,love that person,thing,and even life itself more than God,we won't be able to give it up,if and when He asks.
Though not counting the cost,doesn't just affect the Christian's relationship with God,but also other people's relationships to God.People will be watching you,once they realize you are a Christian.If they see you fall away from Christ,when God asks of you more than you want to give,then they may fall away too,be disappointed in you,or worse never come to Christ in the first place.
What so many fail to realize is that when you accept Christ,you're giving everything to Him for Him to use and do with as He sees fit.Surrender to Christ involves sacrifice,sacrifice of ourselves,our things,and at times even people in our lives.It comes at a cost and we must be willing at all times to pay that cost,no matter how high the cost might be.In the end we will receive our great reward,if we remain faithful to Him.

"I beseech you therefore,brethren,by the mercies of God,that you present your bodies a living sacrifice,holy acceptable to God,which is your reasonable service." Rom.12:1
"Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you,whom you have from God,and you are not your own?For you were bought at a price;therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit,which are God's." 1 Cor.6:19-20
"And they over came him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony,and they did not love their lives to the death." Rev.12:11

Thursday, January 1, 2009

God's Wrath on Homosexuality


Often times when people try to use God's Word to justify homosexuality they fail to look at this account when God really poured out His wrath against homosexuality.Now I personally don't think homosexuality was the only sin Sodom and Gomorrah was committing at this time,but it looks to me like it was the sin that really broke out God's wrath.
Why does homosexuality seem to be the sin that makes God so angry? We know God hates all sin,but loves the sinner.That's why He gave His life for all of us,not just to free us from the penalty of sin,but also from sin itself.Back in the O.T.there was polygamy and incest among God's people.Yet,they still found favor with God.Why? I thought of four reasons: 1.Tradition.2.They weren't going against God's natural design for man.The men were having romantic relations with the women.3.Jesus hadn't come and laid down His life yet.The animal sacrifices made atonement(paid the penalty) for their sins,but they couldn't free them from sin itself.They still had the desire to sin,but didn't possess the Power to resist.4.Their hearts were in the right place when they made their sacrifices.
I believe the main reason why homosexuality breaks out the wrath of God,to where God has had enough with our sin,is because the homosexuals exchange the natural (sex between a man and woman) for what isn't natual (sex between man and man or woman and woman).From the very start of creation God designed sex to be between a man and woman.I'm not saying polygamy and incest were right for God's people to do.It wasn't.Yet,they did make atonement on a regular basis and they weren't exchanging the natural for the unnatural.
People I've been concerned not just for America because of the debate on homosexuality,but also for the churchs that are saying it is okay.Look at Lot's son-in-laws.They thought Lot was joking about God's wrath soon to be poured out.They were heterosexual.Yet,by not believing what Lot said and staying,they showed that they believed homosexuality wasn't that serious,perhaps even okay.They and Lot's daughters,who were married to them,perished when God's wrath was poured out.Even Lot's wife,by looking back,showed she didn't understand the seriousness either and became a pillar of salt.When God pours His wrath out,and it's coming,it won't be just on those living lives of sin,but also on those"Christians" who say certain sins are okay or even acceptable.We're walking a fine line with God and it's time for the sinner to repent and let God deliver him/her and for all Christians to abhor all sin,not just homosexuality.

"So Adam gave names to all cattle,to the birds of the air,and to every beast of the field.But for Adam there was not found a helper comparable to him.And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam,and he slept; and He took one of his ribs,and closed up the flesh in its place.Then the rib which the LORD God had taken from man He made into a woman,and He brought her to man.And Adam said: "This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh;she shall be called Woman,because she was taken out of Man." Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife,and they shall become one flesh." Gen.2:20-24

Also,Read Romans 1:18-32
This passage talks about God's wrath being poured out.It shows how homosexuality is a choice,just like any other sin,and goes against nature.For the sake of time and space I won't write this scripture out,but I strongly encourage anyone reading my blog to read this passage as well.