Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Wars of Warning

Judges 20

War comes for a variety of reasons,but one reason alot of people don't like to realize or admit is for perversion.I don't think there is a nation on this earth that will admit they are perverse.We all like to think we're fine and it is the other nations that have a problem.That may be true.If you read the entire book of Judges,you'll see that when Israel didn't have a judge they fell into sin again.That may be God's reason for letting Israel lose the first two battles with the Benjaminites.He may have been trying to get them to realize,that even though they weren't downright perverse like the Benjaminites,they weren't completely innocent either.It was like a warning to them that they don't fall into sin,like the Benjaminites.Yet,I believe God was also trying to warn the Benjaminites that their destruction was imminent,if they didn't repent.God doesn't want to see anyone perish,but He won't let sin and downright perversion go unpunished.Our pride and thinking we're innocent,or not as bad,hinders us from examining ourselves and realizing we're in wars of warning.For centuries God has brought wars of warning upon us,and I think for the most part we have been prideful and missed the warnings.One day our warnings will be over,and we will experience total destruction just like the Benjaminites,if we don't humble ourselves,repent and renounce our sin,and start following God as the ultimate authority.
However,there is one bright spot.Just like God left a remnant of Benjaminites,there will be a remnant left even after our total destruction.The question is,will we be in that remnant?Will we realize these wars of warning and get right with God before it is too late? It is my hope and prayer we will and that more people will be in that remnant,after our total destruction comes.

"Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall." Prov.16:18
"And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars.See that you are not troubled;for all these things must come to pass,but the end is not yet." Matt.24:6