Monday, January 18, 2010

Stability in the Midst of an Unstable World

2 Tim.2:14-26

The sun was scorching hot.A trickle of sweat flowed down Solange's face as she briskly walked toward the market in Port-au-Prince.At home,in their little one room shack,her mother and children waited for her to bring back food for supper,the only meal they would have this day.It broke Solange's heart when she didn't make enough money to feed her family more than one meal a day.
Just as she reached the market,her feet went out from under her and she fell in a heap.The ground beneath her shook violently and she watched in horror as buildings all around her collapsed in ruins.She struggled to stand,but a searing pain sliced the back of her head.The next thing she knew everything went black and still.***
This is a world of instability.All around us things seem strong and secure.Without thought we put our faith and confidence in these things or even people.Then the crisis comes and we're left in a heap on the ground.We struggle to get up,but are knocked down again.Sometimes we experience searing pain from what has knocked us down.
Humans need stability in order to feel secure in this world.The stability we need and God wants us to have can not be found in this world.People try their best to find stability and security from earthly things,but they are struck down every time.I believe God made this world so unstable so we would turn to Him.He is where true security and stability lies.
This passage describes those who have found the firm foundation in Christ and those who have not.Verse 19 is the key verse.So many people think that if they call themselves a Christian or pray a prayer of repentance,they are standing on the solid foundation of God.The end of verse 19 says differently.We are told to not only repent and call ourselves Christians,but to depart from iniquity.When we do that,we're standing firmly on God's foundation,and He can use us to lead others to His firm foundation.
When you're firmly on God's foundation,you'll feel stable and secure,even when the instability of the world knocks you down.

"When the whirlwind passes by,the wicked is no more,but the righteous has an everlasting foundation." Prov.10:25
"The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer;my God,my strength,in whom I will trust;my shield and the horn of my salvation,my stronghold." Psalm 18:2

*** This is a fictional illustration I wrote for this devotional.Any bit of truth is purely coincidental.