Thursday, February 18, 2010

Christ and the Church:A Reflection of Marriage

Ephesians 5:22-33

Many times when people read this passage,they believe scripture is telling husbands to be rulers and dictators over their wives.Their wives are to submit by being their personal slaves.If this is what you believe,then I'm afraid you have missed the beautiful picture of this scripture.
In verse 25 husbands are commanded to love their wives just as Christ loved the Church and gave Himself for it.This is a sacrificial love.What does a man sacrifice when he is ruling and dictating over his wife? Absolutely nothing.Instead he is being a picture of selfishness.
A marriage is a team with God as coach,the husband as captain and his wife as co-captain.The captain and co-captain need to pray(involving the coach) and work together to determine what is best for the team,with the captain making the final call when all is said and done.His decision needs to be the one he feels God is leading them towards and will benefit the team the most.
What would happen if the captain of a sports team did not listen to the coach nor his co-captain? What if he did what he wanted to or felt was best? There is a chance nothing too bad would happen,other than an upset coach and co-captain.However,there is a greater chance that he could lead the team into a disaster.In order for a team to work well the coach,captain and co-captain must be in tune and working well together.The same is true in marriage.If the husband and wife aren't in tune with God and each other,their marriage is headed for a disaster.
Does God stop his ears and not care what we think or feel when we talk with Him about things in our lives or on our minds?Of course not.If He did,we would be hurt and feel He didn't love us.Instead He listens and talks with us until we are in agreement or at least feel better with what He has decided and wants to do.That's the way Christian men need to treat their wives.They need to listen to their thoughts and feelings,and discuss things with them.Again I stress,husbands and wives need to pray about things together.Involve the coach,for this is His team.
When a husband truly loves and models Christ to his wife,it is so much easier for her to submit to and respect her husband.It becomes something that she wants to do and not just something she feels she has to do because scripture commands it.

"And Adam said:' This is now bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh;she shall be called Woman,because she was taken out of Man.'Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife,and they shall become one flesh." Gen.2:23-24
"Wives,submit to your own husbands,as is fitting in the Lord. Husbands,love your wives and do not be bitter toward them." Col.3:18-19

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