Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Prayer (Part 3)

Matt 7:7-11

Some people treat prayer as a magic potion to get what they want.However,prayer isn't like that.There are times we'll ask our earthly daddies for something we really want,and they'll tell us no,or give us the exact opposite of what we wanted.It doesn't mean they don't love us.They can see what we want isn't what would be best for us.God is the same way.He knows why we're asking,seeking, and knocking.the hidden reasons aren't hidden from Him.Yet,He also knows what are the best things to give us,what are the best things to find,and what are the best doors to open for us.These things and open doors might look like stones and serpents to us-the absolute worse,but if we hold onto our faith and trust in God,we will eventually see that what God gave us was the absolute good.
Many times in my Christian walk I've asked God for things and I didn't get them,or God gave me exactly what I didn't want.There have been doors I prayed to be opened and God left them shut or opened another door.Sometimes I realize why God answered the way He did and can see how miserable I would have been,if He gave me what I originally wanted.Other times I don't understand at all.God doesn't owe us an explanation when we don't understand.Those are the times we have to choose to trust.It won't always be easy to trust God.Sometimes Christians act like children do at times,when their parents say no or give them what they don"t want.They throw a fit,but like any loving parent,God will do all He can to get them to trust again.He'll forgive when we seek His forgiveness,and He'll help us to trust.

"There will never be a prayer your Father will not answer.
He can't ignore His child nor his request.
So while you're waiting and believing for what you thought was best,
Trust God if He says no.You're still blessed.
There must be a greater yes." ~ the Perrys (Southern Gospel group)

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Prayer ( Part 2)


We should praise Him or thank Him,not just for the good He does,but Who He is.
We need to surrender our authority and will for His authority and will in our lives.
We make our requests for what we need that day.
We ask forgiveness for anything we did or said that was against God (repentance of sin).
Though in order for us to be forgiven we must forgive others. (14-15)
Satan will try different ways to ruin our relationship with God or make us lose our relationship with Him all together.We need to ask God to keep us alert to his ways of leading us atray,and when Satan tries something,see how God is delivering us out. ( Heb.4:15-16) Satan can't lead us astray unless we let him,but if we ask for God's help,He will deliver us.
Finally,we should praise God again for what He is going to do and for being unchangeable.

So we need to:

Praise to God

Repent to God

Ask to God

Yield to God

Prayer ( Part 1)

Matt 6:5-8

What a praying person is not to do:
He isn't to pray in such a way to draw attention to himself.
He isn't to pray the same words over and over again.

What a praying person is to do:
He is to go some place to be alone,or if he can't be alone in a room or place,be alone with God in his thoughts.Commune with God quietly or silently.
He is to speak to God from his heart.

God is our heavenly Daddy,and like our earthly daddy knows what we need each day,so does God,even more so,since He is our all-knowing Creator.So why would we need to make requests to our daddies?
It has to do with relationship.If we didn't talk to someone,what kind of relationship would we have with that person?Likely we wouldn't have any relationship with them and that person would be quite hurt.Our earthly father wants a relationship with us,but our heavenly Father wants a relationship with us even more so.That's why He created us.It's easy to have a relationship with our earthly daddy.We can see and hear him,but God is Spirit.We have to see and hear him with our heart.Yet,God will speak with us and wants to,if we'll talk to Him.
So how shall we pray?

Friday, March 5, 2010

Abortion:The War on America,Christianity,and God

2 Kings 15:13-18

Even before Menahem became a king we see he was a murderous,wicked man.Like the king before him,he came to the throne by killing the reigning king.Yet his murderous ways continued.He went to war with Tiphsah.War is an ugly thing.Many soldiers are traumatized as a result of what they see and experience on the battlefield.However,Menahem didn't just war against and kill those in Tiphsah that could try to defend and protect themselves.Like a ravenous beast,he ripped open every pregnant woman,killing her unborn child.
We think to ourselves how cold-hearted and inhumane! Yet,many of our leaders in America are just as cold-hearted and inhumane.How? You may ask.We don't rip open pregnant women in the countries we're at war with.It'd likely be plastered all over the news,and many people would probably be demanding swift,harsh disciplinary action (maybe even execution) for those soldiers who had a part in it,if any of our soldiers did war in this way.
However,many of our leaders do support killing the unborn,but not as a war tactic against countries we're fighting with,but as a war tactic against our fellow Americans.The only thing is they and alot of other people don't view it as a war against Americans.They would call it a choice or a right a mother has.What they don't realize is every unborn child,whether they have been forming in the womb for one second or clear up to the time of birth,is the future of America.These are the people who will live in,shape,build and carry on what those in history and we have done in America and throughout the world.They are the ones who will not just carry on our legacy,but if they are raised right and so choose,will also carry on God's legacy.
Abortion is a war not just against Americans,but Christians and God Himself.It is a war that every pro-choice person is declaring and fighting against America,Christians,and God.It is time for us as Americans and Christians to take a huge stand and fight back.We have our voices and our right to choose our leaders.This is a war that God can win for us,if we would only do our part and let Him.

"Behold,children are a heritage from the Lord,the fruit of the womb is a reward.Like arrows in the hand of a warrior,so are the children's of one's youth.Happy is the man who has his quiver full of them;they shall not be ashamed,but shall speak with their enemies in the gate." Psalm127:3-5

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Christ and the Church:A Reflection of Marriage

Ephesians 5:22-33

Many times when people read this passage,they believe scripture is telling husbands to be rulers and dictators over their wives.Their wives are to submit by being their personal slaves.If this is what you believe,then I'm afraid you have missed the beautiful picture of this scripture.
In verse 25 husbands are commanded to love their wives just as Christ loved the Church and gave Himself for it.This is a sacrificial love.What does a man sacrifice when he is ruling and dictating over his wife? Absolutely nothing.Instead he is being a picture of selfishness.
A marriage is a team with God as coach,the husband as captain and his wife as co-captain.The captain and co-captain need to pray(involving the coach) and work together to determine what is best for the team,with the captain making the final call when all is said and done.His decision needs to be the one he feels God is leading them towards and will benefit the team the most.
What would happen if the captain of a sports team did not listen to the coach nor his co-captain? What if he did what he wanted to or felt was best? There is a chance nothing too bad would happen,other than an upset coach and co-captain.However,there is a greater chance that he could lead the team into a disaster.In order for a team to work well the coach,captain and co-captain must be in tune and working well together.The same is true in marriage.If the husband and wife aren't in tune with God and each other,their marriage is headed for a disaster.
Does God stop his ears and not care what we think or feel when we talk with Him about things in our lives or on our minds?Of course not.If He did,we would be hurt and feel He didn't love us.Instead He listens and talks with us until we are in agreement or at least feel better with what He has decided and wants to do.That's the way Christian men need to treat their wives.They need to listen to their thoughts and feelings,and discuss things with them.Again I stress,husbands and wives need to pray about things together.Involve the coach,for this is His team.
When a husband truly loves and models Christ to his wife,it is so much easier for her to submit to and respect her husband.It becomes something that she wants to do and not just something she feels she has to do because scripture commands it.

"And Adam said:' This is now bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh;she shall be called Woman,because she was taken out of Man.'Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife,and they shall become one flesh." Gen.2:23-24
"Wives,submit to your own husbands,as is fitting in the Lord. Husbands,love your wives and do not be bitter toward them." Col.3:18-19

Monday, January 18, 2010

Stability in the Midst of an Unstable World

2 Tim.2:14-26

The sun was scorching hot.A trickle of sweat flowed down Solange's face as she briskly walked toward the market in Port-au-Prince.At home,in their little one room shack,her mother and children waited for her to bring back food for supper,the only meal they would have this day.It broke Solange's heart when she didn't make enough money to feed her family more than one meal a day.
Just as she reached the market,her feet went out from under her and she fell in a heap.The ground beneath her shook violently and she watched in horror as buildings all around her collapsed in ruins.She struggled to stand,but a searing pain sliced the back of her head.The next thing she knew everything went black and still.***
This is a world of instability.All around us things seem strong and secure.Without thought we put our faith and confidence in these things or even people.Then the crisis comes and we're left in a heap on the ground.We struggle to get up,but are knocked down again.Sometimes we experience searing pain from what has knocked us down.
Humans need stability in order to feel secure in this world.The stability we need and God wants us to have can not be found in this world.People try their best to find stability and security from earthly things,but they are struck down every time.I believe God made this world so unstable so we would turn to Him.He is where true security and stability lies.
This passage describes those who have found the firm foundation in Christ and those who have not.Verse 19 is the key verse.So many people think that if they call themselves a Christian or pray a prayer of repentance,they are standing on the solid foundation of God.The end of verse 19 says differently.We are told to not only repent and call ourselves Christians,but to depart from iniquity.When we do that,we're standing firmly on God's foundation,and He can use us to lead others to His firm foundation.
When you're firmly on God's foundation,you'll feel stable and secure,even when the instability of the world knocks you down.

"When the whirlwind passes by,the wicked is no more,but the righteous has an everlasting foundation." Prov.10:25
"The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer;my God,my strength,in whom I will trust;my shield and the horn of my salvation,my stronghold." Psalm 18:2

*** This is a fictional illustration I wrote for this devotional.Any bit of truth is purely coincidental.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Wars of Warning

Judges 20

War comes for a variety of reasons,but one reason alot of people don't like to realize or admit is for perversion.I don't think there is a nation on this earth that will admit they are perverse.We all like to think we're fine and it is the other nations that have a problem.That may be true.If you read the entire book of Judges,you'll see that when Israel didn't have a judge they fell into sin again.That may be God's reason for letting Israel lose the first two battles with the Benjaminites.He may have been trying to get them to realize,that even though they weren't downright perverse like the Benjaminites,they weren't completely innocent either.It was like a warning to them that they don't fall into sin,like the Benjaminites.Yet,I believe God was also trying to warn the Benjaminites that their destruction was imminent,if they didn't repent.God doesn't want to see anyone perish,but He won't let sin and downright perversion go unpunished.Our pride and thinking we're innocent,or not as bad,hinders us from examining ourselves and realizing we're in wars of warning.For centuries God has brought wars of warning upon us,and I think for the most part we have been prideful and missed the warnings.One day our warnings will be over,and we will experience total destruction just like the Benjaminites,if we don't humble ourselves,repent and renounce our sin,and start following God as the ultimate authority.
However,there is one bright spot.Just like God left a remnant of Benjaminites,there will be a remnant left even after our total destruction.The question is,will we be in that remnant?Will we realize these wars of warning and get right with God before it is too late? It is my hope and prayer we will and that more people will be in that remnant,after our total destruction comes.

"Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall." Prov.16:18
"And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars.See that you are not troubled;for all these things must come to pass,but the end is not yet." Matt.24:6