Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Prayer (Part 3)

Matt 7:7-11

Some people treat prayer as a magic potion to get what they want.However,prayer isn't like that.There are times we'll ask our earthly daddies for something we really want,and they'll tell us no,or give us the exact opposite of what we wanted.It doesn't mean they don't love us.They can see what we want isn't what would be best for us.God is the same way.He knows why we're asking,seeking, and knocking.the hidden reasons aren't hidden from Him.Yet,He also knows what are the best things to give us,what are the best things to find,and what are the best doors to open for us.These things and open doors might look like stones and serpents to us-the absolute worse,but if we hold onto our faith and trust in God,we will eventually see that what God gave us was the absolute good.
Many times in my Christian walk I've asked God for things and I didn't get them,or God gave me exactly what I didn't want.There have been doors I prayed to be opened and God left them shut or opened another door.Sometimes I realize why God answered the way He did and can see how miserable I would have been,if He gave me what I originally wanted.Other times I don't understand at all.God doesn't owe us an explanation when we don't understand.Those are the times we have to choose to trust.It won't always be easy to trust God.Sometimes Christians act like children do at times,when their parents say no or give them what they don"t want.They throw a fit,but like any loving parent,God will do all He can to get them to trust again.He'll forgive when we seek His forgiveness,and He'll help us to trust.

"There will never be a prayer your Father will not answer.
He can't ignore His child nor his request.
So while you're waiting and believing for what you thought was best,
Trust God if He says no.You're still blessed.
There must be a greater yes." ~ the Perrys (Southern Gospel group)

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