Monday, November 10, 2008

Remember and Repent

2 Peter 3:1-18

Peter ends his second epistle with an exhortation to remember.So many times we as a people forget,whether by accident or on purpose.I've often wondered at times how we as a nation have wandered so far away from God.Can't we remember all the good God has done for us? What did He do to fail us and cause us to treat Him like He and His followers are the enemy?God loves us.All that I can think of that has come from Him has been good.So why are so many people against Him?
Peter gives the answer to these questions in verses 3-6.We are so carried away with our lusts-what we want that is wrong-that we willfully forget about God,His Word,goodness,and past judgments and punishments on sin.To remember Him and these things will convict us,make us realize we need to repent and change our ways.Most people don't want to feel conviction.Another thing they don't want-I think as much as they don't want conviction-is having to truly repent-not just saying they are sorry,but allowing God to change them and their ways.
Though the question I wonder about is,Is it worth it to forget? In this passage,Peter gives a description of the judgment and punshment that is to come for the ungodly and the earth.Other places in Scripture also describe this judgment and punishment.It's going to be worse than anything you or I ever experienced on earth.Though I think the worse part will be separated from God for all eternity.No more chances to remember and repent.God loves all of us so much that He doesn't want to see that happen.That's why he is being so longsuffering toward us.He wants all of us to come to repentance.However,it is our choice.All that He could do He has done.It is up to us to remember and repent.
Though it is not just the sinner and backslider that needs to do some remembering,but also we as Christians.God may not convict us and show us that we need to repent too,but by remembering we are able to be stedfast and not led away with the error of the wicked.

"Remember now your Creator in the days of your youth,before the difficult days come,and the years draw near when you say,"I have no pleasure in them."
"Then the dust will return to the earth as it was,and the spirit will return to God who gave it."
Ecclesiastes 12:1,7

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