Monday, December 1, 2008

Ruth (Part1)

This is the start of a four part series from my study on the book of Ruth.

Ruth 1

Ruth realized that when you marry a man,you also marry his family.Though Mahlon,her first husband,is dead,and therefore,she is free from his family,esp.since Naomi is too old to remarry and try to bear more sons to marry her daughters-in-law.Yet,Ruth makes the choice not to be free from Mahlon's family.I personally think God made an impact on her life,while she was married to Mahlon.Quite possibly she had already rejected the Moabite gods.The person you marry should impact your life in a positive way.Instead of pulling you away from God,he/she should be pulling you towards God.Of course we have the free-will to resist the pull,and I personally believe that is what Orpah did.Notice at first Orpah didn't want to leave Naomi,but when Naomi stated the facts that she would likely remain a widow,she made the choice to resist the pull.Ruth,however,didn't care that the future didn't look promising.She couldn't resist the pull toward God.We must be married to God before we become married to someone else.So many marriages are on the rocks or have fallen apart because one or both weren't married to God.If you're not married to the Author of Love first of all and have Him at the center of your life and marriage,how do you expect to love your spouse with a true love?Love comes from God and we see this godly love in Ruth when she refuses to leave Naomi no matter what.

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