Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Ruth(Part 2)

Ruth 2

Ruth had learned about Boaz,an unmarried man and relative of her first husband.She set her sights on him and decided to glean in his fields to see if he would notice her.It is not wrong for women to place themselves within the sights of the man she has her eye on,but he should be the initiator in the relationship.Boaz did notice her,but it wasn't just her outward appearance he took notice of,but it was her godly,loving heart.Many people just look at outward appearance,and that's not necessarily wrong,but when it is the only thing you care about that's where the problem lies.You could go out with the most beautiful woman/handsome man you ever saw,but that person may have the ugliest heart.Who that person is,is what you're getting and will have to live with,while dating,and if the decision is made to marry,till death parts you.
Being single has it's purposes.It gives God time to mature,mold and make you into the godly man/woman He wants you to be for your future wife/husband.Also,it is an excellent time to focus on falling madly in love with God and serving Him.Once God brings that wife/husband into your life,you won't have as much time,as you once did,to work on your relationship with God and serving Him.Yet,you should work on these things together,even while dating.Notice Ruth was doing when Boaz took notice of her.
Though we also need to take a look at Boaz.Here was a man that with his first encounter with Ruth showed his interest,love,and care for her.He didn't want her to glean in another field,told his young men not to touch her,purposely leave wheat for and not to rebuke her for gathering among the sheaves,told her to drink water from what the men had drawn whenever she was thirsty,and at mealtime he invited her to eat with him and the reapers.There were other women who gleaned in his fields,but it was Ruth he was serious about from the start and singled out.He didn't single out other women,including Ruth,in order to "shop around" or "check out the menu".So many guys will date different girls at the same time or talk for hours with several girls,making the young lady think it is only a matter of time before he moves the relationship on from a friendship to a romance.When things do an about face and the correspondence becomes less and less,she feels confused,disheartened and hurt.The way Boaz handled things,by singling Ruth out and only being serious about her,showed he cared about her feelings.
Then to top it all off ,Ruth had Naomi's approval and encouragement.if you don't have your family's approval and blessing,it may indicate this isn't the man/woman God has for you.

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