Thursday, January 22, 2009

What Seems To Be May Not Be.


At times in life we will encounter some pretty amazing people.They'll do and/or say some pretty amazing things,not to draw us toward God,but away from Him.Sometimes these people are really subtle,claiming that what they said or did came from God when really it didn't.It's possible they are deceived themselves.However,alot of them realize that if they aren't deceptive,then people won't follow them and/or their gods.
God brings people like that to our attention for a couple of reasons.1.To test us.God wants to see that we truly love Him with all of our heart and soul and will be obedient to Him.2.To take a stand.God did not want His children to sit back and not do anything.He knew if these enticers and deceivers were allowed to continue,some would be enticed and drawn away.That would make all of Israel corrupt.They were instructed to kill the corrupt people in their midst,who were deceiving and enticing.Today we are not to kill them or anyone for that matter.God will deal with them.(Jude 14-19) However,we still are not suppose to sit back and not do anything.First,we need to at least try to get these people to see the truth and come to their senses.Yet,without disputing.(2 Tim.2:23-26,2 Thess.3:14-15) However,if they won't see or accept the truth,then we mustn't keep company with them,in order to keep ourselves from being pulled away or joining in their deception.(2 John 10-11)
Sadly,many churches have not followed scripture in doing this.As a result,many churches are being deceived,drawn away from God,and losing their holiness.That is why it is so important as Christians we study the Bible for ourselves,asking God what He is saying in it.
There are so many people in this world teaching and preaching so many doctrines and religions,claiming what they believe,say and do comes from God.These people can be very convincing,causing us to forget that what seems to be may not be.Eternity is too long for us to be wrong.We must be sure today that we follow God's way and what He say.

"Beloved,do not believe every spirit,but test the spirits,whether they are of God;because many false prophets have gone out into the world." 1 John 4:11
"Beware of false prophets,who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.You will know them by their fruit." Matt. 7:15-16a

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