Friday, February 6, 2009

The Passing Of The Mantle

2 Kings 2:1-18

Elijah's ministry was about over and he and Elisha knew it,along with many of the sons of the prophets.Despite Elijah's requests for Elisha to leave him,Elisha remained faithful by his master's side and didn't want the sons of the prophets to keep reminding him Elijah would soon be gone.It is uncertain why Elijah wanted Elisha to leave him and why Elisha didn't want to be reminded of Elijah's soon transportation to Heaven.Possibly Elisha was dreading Elijah's soon departure.Though he knew Elijah had served God long and hard and deserved to enter into rest,he still hated to see him go and would terribly miss him.Finally Elijah turns to Elisha asks him what is one thing he could do for him before he left for Heaven.Elisha's request was for a double portion of Elijah's spirit to fall upon him.That was a difficult request,but it was fulfilled when Elisha saw Elijah being transported.As he went up,Elijah dropped his mantle ,which was a sheepskin,sleeveless outer garment,at Elisha's feet.Not only did Elisha receive the double portion of Elijah's spirit,but also his mantle,to carry on Elijah's ministry.
This past weekend a mantle was placed in front of me as I said see-you-later to one of the strongest Christians I know.Grandma didn't just share the Gospel with people,but she lived it before them.Even before she died I knew it was possible that God would be calling her home in the near future.Though,like Elisha,I didn't like people telling me her time of departure for heaven was near.I believed God could still heal her on this earth,if it was His will.God made the right choice to take her.She deserved to enter into rest.However,her ministry doesn't have to end.She made a huge impact on my life and the lives of so many family members,friends and people she came into contact with.With her death the mantle of her ministry has dropped before us.Now we have the choice to pick it up and carry it on,not allowing her ministry to die.I have determined in my mind and heart to carry her mantle.
However,before I could carry her mantle,I had to accept Christ,receive the Holy Spirit in my life,and take up Christ's mantle,which is His cross.I did this when I was thirteen.So many people are trying to carry Christ's mantle or the mantles of dear Christians gone to Heaven,but without accepting Christ or His Spirit.Maybe at one time they had accepted Christ and His Spirit,but fell away and think they are still qualified to carry Christ's mantle and the mantles of others.Without Christ and His Holy Spirit,we are unworthy and unqualified to carry any mantles,including our own.So decide to accept Christ and His Holy Spirit today,if you haven't already done so,and pick up His mantle,the cross,dailyand follow Him.Then we are worthy and qualified by Him to pick up our mantle and the mantles of others He passes onto us.Though we must be careful never to put down His mantle,our mantle and the mantles of others He asks us to carry on,until we reach our heavenly reward.Then we will hear Him say the most glorious words,"Well done good and faithful servant.Enter into the joy of the Lord."(Matt.25:21,23)

"Then He said to them all,'If anyone desires to come after Me,let him deny himself,and take up his cross daily,and follow Me.For whoever desires to save his life will lose it,but whoever loses his life for My sake will save it." Luke 9:23,24
"Imitate me,just as I also imitate Christ." 1 Cor.11:1

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