Thursday, February 26, 2009

Uncompassionate People,A Compassionate Judge

John 8:1-30

She had ruined her life and now her life would soon be over.The prosecution is angry.They want her dead.Her Judge is chosen and she is set before Him.Surely He will agree with the prosecution and sentence her to death by stoning.She has no defense.Yet,the Judge doesn't seem to be listening to the prosecution.In fact,they have to keep asking Him to judge and sentence her.Finally He speaks,but instead of focusing on her crime and ruined life,He focuses on theirs.He tells them the one without sin in the prosecution can begin the stoning.She waits to feel the pain from the first stone as it hits,but slowly the prosecution leaves,until she is alone with the Judge.All of them are just as guilty and ruined as she is! Though surely the Judge will stone her Himself.He rises to His feet,and she can feel the fear rise within her.However,He asks her where the prosecution went and if there was anyone who still accused her.There is no one except Him.Then He says the most unbelievable words,"I don't condemn you.Go and sin no more."The Judge has wiped her record clean and is giving her another chance at a beautiful life.
This world is filled with prosecutors.People are all of the time suing other people and/or bringing charges against them.That's not necessarily wrong.We'd have chaos without right and wrong.Yet,people prosecute others not for justice,but vengeance.Their attitude is,"You've ruined your life,but you've also ruined mine and now you must pay."May I make an observation?All of our lives are ruined before anyone else has the chance to ruin them further.Sin ruins and can destroy our lives before anyone or anything else can have a chance to ruin them.We're just like this woman's prosecutors,pointing out people's guilt and condemning,when we're just as guilty as they.
Though the Judge is standing before us all right now,not to judge and sentence us,but to extend mercy.Jesus wants to wipe our records clean with the blood that He shed for us.The Judge paid our penalty! However,we have to accept Him as our Lord and Savior and His free gift of salvation.That's the only way He won't condemn us,and we can follow His command to go and sin no more,keeping our records clean before Him.
There has never been a Judge like Jesus,nor will there ever be one.He is the only Judge that has paid the penalty for the defendents,that will be brought to Him,and made a way for them to keep their records clean.Judgment day is coming for all of us one day,but we have the choice whether we'll stand before the Judge with a clean record or a record of crimes.It's not His desire to judge and sentence anyone.He created us,and therefore,loves us more than anyone or anything else can love us,but if we don't choose Him and His way of salvation there will be nothing He can do when we reach our judgment day.He'll be forced to judge and sentence.Sin can not be in the presence of a Holy God.That's why it has to go and we have to be holy as God is holy.Through him we can live a life of holiness and be declared innocent on judgment day.It is our choice to make.We decide the outcome of our trial.

"For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world,but that the world through Him might be saved."John 3:17
"But as He who called you is holy you also be holy in all your conduct,because it is written,"Be holy,for I am holy."1Pet.1:15,16

Also,check out Lev.11:44,45;19:2;20:7,26.Seven times God's Word tells us to be holy as He is holy.The number seven is the number symbolizing perfection or completion.This signifies to me that if we want to be perfect or complete before God,we must be holy as He is.

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