Friday, December 26, 2008

Ruth (Part 4)

Ruth 4.

The close relative at first was going to redeem the land,but when he found it would involve marrying Ruth as well, he was no longer interested.His reason was that it would ruin his inheritance.However,I don't believe that's the real reason.The bottom line is he didn't love Ruth.If he did,then he wouldn't have cared about his inheritance being ruined.Boaz was meant to marry Ruth all along and God worked everything out for that to happen.They had God's blessing and the blessing of their family and friends.As a result they had a beautiful marriage and were blessed with a son,who became King David's grandfather and part of the lineage of Christ.
Only God knows how your marriage will fall into a bigger picture.


Pastor C said...

Very interesting subject. How did you decide what to write about?

Candlelight said...

With everything I post on my devotional blog,I leave it up to God to tell me what to post.Sometimes I'll get an idea,but I consult Him before going with it.If I feel Him telling me no then I put it on the back burner.Maybe another day He'll tell me yes.With this series on Ruth,I actually had written up before I ever started this blog.I knew December would be a busy month,so I asked Him if it would be okay if I did this series.Often times I struggle with my singleness.God used the book of Ruth to teach me alot.One day I decided to write down what God had shown me,so if I ever taught or preached from Ruth or taught a singles class,I could pass on these lessons to others.