Thursday, January 1, 2009

God's Wrath on Homosexuality


Often times when people try to use God's Word to justify homosexuality they fail to look at this account when God really poured out His wrath against homosexuality.Now I personally don't think homosexuality was the only sin Sodom and Gomorrah was committing at this time,but it looks to me like it was the sin that really broke out God's wrath.
Why does homosexuality seem to be the sin that makes God so angry? We know God hates all sin,but loves the sinner.That's why He gave His life for all of us,not just to free us from the penalty of sin,but also from sin itself.Back in the O.T.there was polygamy and incest among God's people.Yet,they still found favor with God.Why? I thought of four reasons: 1.Tradition.2.They weren't going against God's natural design for man.The men were having romantic relations with the women.3.Jesus hadn't come and laid down His life yet.The animal sacrifices made atonement(paid the penalty) for their sins,but they couldn't free them from sin itself.They still had the desire to sin,but didn't possess the Power to resist.4.Their hearts were in the right place when they made their sacrifices.
I believe the main reason why homosexuality breaks out the wrath of God,to where God has had enough with our sin,is because the homosexuals exchange the natural (sex between a man and woman) for what isn't natual (sex between man and man or woman and woman).From the very start of creation God designed sex to be between a man and woman.I'm not saying polygamy and incest were right for God's people to do.It wasn't.Yet,they did make atonement on a regular basis and they weren't exchanging the natural for the unnatural.
People I've been concerned not just for America because of the debate on homosexuality,but also for the churchs that are saying it is okay.Look at Lot's son-in-laws.They thought Lot was joking about God's wrath soon to be poured out.They were heterosexual.Yet,by not believing what Lot said and staying,they showed that they believed homosexuality wasn't that serious,perhaps even okay.They and Lot's daughters,who were married to them,perished when God's wrath was poured out.Even Lot's wife,by looking back,showed she didn't understand the seriousness either and became a pillar of salt.When God pours His wrath out,and it's coming,it won't be just on those living lives of sin,but also on those"Christians" who say certain sins are okay or even acceptable.We're walking a fine line with God and it's time for the sinner to repent and let God deliver him/her and for all Christians to abhor all sin,not just homosexuality.

"So Adam gave names to all cattle,to the birds of the air,and to every beast of the field.But for Adam there was not found a helper comparable to him.And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam,and he slept; and He took one of his ribs,and closed up the flesh in its place.Then the rib which the LORD God had taken from man He made into a woman,and He brought her to man.And Adam said: "This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh;she shall be called Woman,because she was taken out of Man." Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife,and they shall become one flesh." Gen.2:20-24

Also,Read Romans 1:18-32
This passage talks about God's wrath being poured out.It shows how homosexuality is a choice,just like any other sin,and goes against nature.For the sake of time and space I won't write this scripture out,but I strongly encourage anyone reading my blog to read this passage as well.


RedKnight said...

If you are suggesting that homosexuality automaticly brings about God's wrathful judgement, I just find it odd that God would give the Greeks victory over the Persians, if one even believes that God predestines everything on Earth in the first place. You see the Greeks commonly practiced same sex conduct. Especialy pederastry. In fact the Hippocratic Oath, which even Doctors today swear by, states this "In every house where I come I will enter only for the good of my patients, keeping myself far from all intentional ill-doing and all seduction and especially from the pleasures of love with women or with men, be they free or slaves." So they made a point to prohibit both homosexual and heterosexual affairs with patients.
But what really is shocking, in terms of conservative christian sexual morality, is the Japanese attitudes about sex. In fact not only have the Japanese socialy tolerated homosexuality, they also tolerate pornography, namely animated porn called hentai. This most notably includes cartoon representations of, among other things, bestiality. So even by my own personal standards, Japan is very immoral, when it comes to sex. So I wonder why first of all, the Greeks prevailed against the Persians, and as a consequence most of the New Testament is written in Greek, instead of Persian. And why God did not send a typhoon to wipe out the islands of Japan?

Candlelight said...

I really think the wrath God is going to pour out isn't going to be on just one nation,but the entire world.Also,we don't know how long the sin of homosexuality was going on in Sodom and Gomorrah.The picture we see in this passage kinda suggests it may have been going on for awhile,but God was giving them some time to repent,but instead of repenting it became more and more predominant,until He had enough.Like I said His wrath is coming.It might not be immediate,but it will come.Another thing to keep in mind is that the Greeks didn't receive the Gospel until after it was first offered to the Jews.Even then not all Greeks accepted Christ,just like only some Jews accepted Christ.Also,I think sometimes God will use a morally worse nation to destroy a nation that isn't quite as immoral to be a warning to other nations that they have their faults too and not to get too prideful.Everyone needs Christ and anyone who doesn't belong to Him will experience God's wrath at some point,no matter how good they are or were in this life.All the Greeks who aren't saved will answer for their faults,just like all the Persians who also aren't saved.God may have given them a victory,but they won't have the final victory,unless they repent.

Candlelight said...

"Do not think in your heart,after the LORD has cast them out before you,saying,'Because of my righteousness the LORD has brought me in to possess this land';but it is because of the wickedness of these nations that the LORD is driving them out from before you.It is not because of your righteousness or the uprightness of your heart that you go in to possess their land,but because of the wickedness of these nations that the LORD your God drives them out from before you,and that He may fulfill the word which the LORD swore to your fathers,to Abraham,Isaac and Jacob.Therefore understand that the LORD your God is not giving you this good land to possess because of your righteousness,for you are a stiff-necked people." Deut.9:4-6
I read this scripture in my daily Bible reading a couple days ago and I thought of how well this fit with our discussion.The only reasons God let them overthrow these nations was:1. He promised their forefathers and 2. These nations must have been more wicked or wicked longer.At any rate their chances of repentance had run out and time for judgment and punishment.This is going to be the case for America.The more wicked we get the sooner our judgment and punishments will come unless we repent and turn back to God.God wasn't giving these nations to Israel because they were righteous.On the contrary,Israel wasn't in God's good graces either.Yet,God was still giving Israel more time to get in His good graces.